Friday, September 2, 2011

Warrior- movie review

Cast: Tom Hardy ,Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte
Director: Gavin O'Connor
Producer: Anthony Tambakins , Jennifer Morrison
Rating: 4/5

Warrior is an excellent film. Gavin O’Connor has definitely found some heart deep inside the run-of-the-mill premise. The movie entirely different from his past direction Pride and GloryWarrior makes conventions fly, rather than sink. At no point of time in the movie the audience would feel bored and out of place actions.
Warrior is story of  two brothers and a father. Each one of them are different from each other in their preferences, feelings, passion and desire. Brendan Conlon (Joel Edgerton) plays the role of a responsible and mature family man.Being a good teacher in the movie , he is favorite of all the students The younger of the two, Tommy (Tom Hardy), is a mystery at first, but obviously a scarred loose cannon. The father, Paddy Conlon (Nick Nolte), is a burnt-out old man that lives in regret, relying on his new found sobriety. 
It’s hard not to roll one’s eyes while explaining  their differences. This all sounds conspired and like many other sports based films we’ve seen before. And thought it surely fits a few trappings of what we expect from the genre, it’s handled with a measure of grace. 
Speaking of machismo, it’s surprising how little the director glamorizes the mixed-martial arts scene. MMA is a scary and terrible sport, and watching two brothers beat the hell out of each other only adds to the violence. The true thing is that O’Connor and his editors manage to make Tommy and Brendan’s rise in the tournament exciting is an accomplishment, especially in an age where “training sequences” have devolved into little more than self-parody. Sure enough, once that final round comes, it’s all about the physical and dramatic brutality of the situation.
All of this is played with great restraint by Edgerton and Hardy. They let you into their head space without conveying much. Tommy is a character that performs blunt at times, but Hardy performs an understanding and true sympathy to the rule, despite his confused background. Brendan is trying to do right by his family, so placing for the school teacher is no chore. These are people the audience roots for, in a true crowd-pleasing sense, and the closure Tommy and Brendan meet feels both earned and satisfying.

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