Cast: Bernie Madoff ,Neil Chello, Gaytri Kachroo
Director:Jeff Prosserman
Rating: * *
Chasing Madoff is a well portrayed documentary movie rich in content and concept and surely setting it different from other releases this week. Anyone can imagine spontaneously how to get away with crime training manual - and detection for that matter .
Jeff Prosserman's Chasing Madoff likewise projects a wag the dog duality after deletion. That is, the concept of the movie.
The most important protagonist in question in Chasing Madoff is Harry Markopolos, a self-described Boston based securities analyst turned 'vigilante investigator.' Inspired from his NY Times hot-seller 'No One Would Listen,' Chasing Madoff honestly and boldly depicts the securities about the subsequent convicted felon's predatory stock profile Ponzi scams, that cheated investor victims to the tune of billions.And not only was Markopolos ignored by dismissive, skeptical journalists and other professionals, but he was afraid of the consequences that may follow. Madoff's possible financial ties to mob elements are insinuated, and Markopolos gets weapons training and checks his car's undercarriage daily for bombs.
The flaw in this movie, is that a narrative where the ending is clear right from the beginning suspense and genuine screenplay which is missing through out this well thought documentary.
The director adds to his list of blunders by focusing more on Markopolos and his mysterious posse of talking heads, instead of creating better and impactfull screenplay moving around the axis of this movie Madoff .
And while there are intimations of assorted sinister biasism - like Wall Street players not willing to risk their own careers or relationships with investors by turning whistleblowers themselves - those more worthy topics for inquiry barely skim the surface. And as for Markopolos, when 'No One Would Listen' way back when, why didn't he turn to filmmakers like Prosserman in the first place?
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