He was arrested for trading marijuana to a cop, Ned’s parole officer introduces himself slowly, pronouncing each syllable intentionally and loudly at some time. When questioned by Ned, the parole officer tries to circumvent with the answers like he’d just assumed “ Ned was retarded because of how he went about getting arrested.” Ned’s a genuine and selfless guy, living in a selfish and cruel world. His simple and charming personality helps in getting the attention dn love of Evgenia Peretz and David Schisgall who generate plenty to smile at and just enough to laugh at. Surprisingly Judd Apatow’s Knocked Up or dramatically-forced as Funny People. Much like its hero, the film has huge fan following because of its honest charactrisation and also by the performance of the supporting cast who did not let the producer and the director down. Full credits to the screenplay as well helping to utilize each and every moment to the fullest.
Ned , after coming out of the jail , is soon crashing with his three sisters (Banks, Mortimer, Deschanel). Banks plays the roll of Miranda, a shroud journalist with a low-strung neighbor, played by the scene stealing Adam Scott.
Mortimer’s Liz is a mother, wife of a ingenuine and selfish British husband played by Coogun. Deschanel plays Natalie, the free-spirit of the family, complete with a lesbian-lawyer girlfriend (Jones) and a worrisome attraction to a cult-following artist (Dancy). Not unlike Scott, Jones has better performance and much appreciated during a funny scene including the theft of a pet dog and leading all the cast behind with in depth understanding of the roll and finally coming out with great performance .Kudos to him for his genuine effort as well.. Thanks must also be given to costume designer Christopher Peterson, who adorns Jones’ Cindy with face swallowing glasses, smartly separating her character from the slew of other beautiful, talented actresses running around.
Ned gets a dreadfull life in the family as he is forced out of home all the time almost after every alternative scene of the movie by his brothers and sister. Costume designer Christopher Peterson has done remarkably wonderfull job by creating a brand new look for all the casts especially Jones who keeps on attracting through out the movie.
Verdict: Looking into immense fun factor and a new concept blended with high quality performance by all makes it a must watch for all this weekend.
Author: Shaan
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